Mitsuoka,T.(1984) Taxonomy and ecology of bifidobacteria. Bifidobacteria Microflora,3, 11-28. (双叉乳杆菌的分类与生态总论)
Mitsuoka,T.(1988) Intestinal flora and host. Asian Med. J., 31, 400-409. (肠道菌群与健康的关系解说)
Mitsuoka,T.(1990) Bifidobacteria and their role in human health. J. Indust. Microbiol. 6, 263-268. (人类健康与双叉乳杆菌的关系解说)
Mitsuoka,T.(1991) Colon cancer increase in Japan: a new trend. Acta Chir. Scand. Supp l. 562, 7-13. (对日本最近结肠癌增加的原因进行考察)
Mitsuoka,T.(1992) Intestinal flora and aging. Nutrition Reviews 50, 438-446.(肠道菌群与老化的关系解说)
Mitsuoka,T.(2000) Significance of dietary modulation of intestinal flora and intestinal environment. Bifidobacteria Microflora,19,15-25. (对通过食饵成分调节肠道菌群及肠道内环境的意义进行解说)