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Forefront of lactic acid bacteria research
Information on 1073R-1 lactic acid bacteria
> Findings from 1073R-1 lactic acid bacteria research
Findings from 1073R-1 lactic acid bacteria research
(1) A human-subject study conducted in Yamagata and Saga prefectures indicates that consumption of yogurt containing 1073R-1 lactic acid bacteria reduces the risk of catching colds and increases NK activity.
(2) A study indicates that feeding mice with 1073R-1 lactic acid bacteria increases their NK activity level.
(3) A study on mice’s influenza infection suggests that 1073R-1 lactic acid bacteria help prevent influenza.
(4) A human-subject study indicates that continuous ingestion of 1073R-1 lactic acid bacteria may improve the efficacy of influenza vaccines.
(5) A study finds that ingestion of yogurt containing 1073R-1 lactic acid bacteria increases IgA in saliva that reacts with the influenza A (H3N2) variant virus.
(6) [NEW] It was confirmed that ingestion of yogurt containing OLL1073R-1 lactic acid bacteria may suppress the temporary decline in immune function and maintain good physical condition in people at high risk of weakened immune function.
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