Forefront of lactic acid bacteria research

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What is the immune system? Relationship between lactic acid bacteria and people’s immune strength Function of NK cells Findings from 1073R-1 lactic acid bacteria research

Findings from 1073R-1 lactic acid bacteria research(3)

A study on mice’s influenza infection suggests that 1073R-1 lactic acid bacteria help prevent influenza.

In a joint research project conducted by Kitasato University (Professor Haruki Yamada and Instructor Takayuki Nagai) and Meiji Co., Ltd., a study was done that involved infecting mice with influenza A virus subtype H1N1, the same type of influenza virus as the novel influenza virus. During the study, the mice in the experimental group were fed either yogurt containing 1073R-1 lactic acid bacteria or EPSs produced by the bacteria from 21 days before infection until 4 days after infection, and were observed while being compared to a control group that was fed only water.

The study showed that the mice that had been fed the yogurt containing the lactic acid bacteria before getting infected with the influenza virus had a higher survival rate.

Whereas the mice in the control group that were only fed water all died within 10 days of the viral infection, the yogurt-fed mice’s survival rate continued to improve even after infection, while their lifespans also became longer.

Ingestion of 1073R-1 lactic acid bacteria improves the survival rate of mice infected with influenza viruses

1073R-1 lactic acid bacteria improves survival rates and lifespans!

Decrease in infectious viral titers

The graph below indicates the result of a study that measured infectious viral titers (i.e., numbers of infectious viruses), which is an indicator of influenza virus propagation.
The infectious viral titers in the lungs of mice four days after they were infected with influenza viruses were measured and compared between an experimental group that was fed yogurt (0.4 ml per day) and a control group that was fed only water. The viral titer among the yogurt-fed mice apparently decreased compared to the mice that were only given water. When the yogurt was replaced with EPSs, a similar result was observed.
In addition, when the NK activity in spleen cells of those mice (i.e., cell population consisting of various immune cells) was measured after viral infection, it was observed that the activity level had increased in the mice that were fed the yogurt and EPSs.

Study result

The study confirmed that the both yogurt containing 1073R-1 lactic acid bacteria and EPSs enhance the host’s innate immunity (NK cells) and produced anti-viral activities that protected against influenza viruses!