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Gut-friendly rice ball breakfast


<Rice balls>

Ingredients (one serving)

Millet-mixed rice:
1 small rice bowl
Miso of choice:
Appropriate amount

Cooking instructions:

  • Divide the rice into two equal amounts, and make two rice balls. Apply miso of your choice to their surfaces, and bake them in an oven toaster for a couple of minutes until desirable browning is achieved.

<Yogurt miso pickles>

Ingredients (one serving)

Daikon radish:
1/8 (12-13 cm)
1/5 (3-4 cm)
2 tablespoons
1 and 1/2 tablespoons

Cooking instructions:

  • Put the yogurt and miso in a plastic bag, and mix it up. Then add turnip (cut in half), rectangle-sliced daikon radish, burdock, and carrot. Mix them together while also rubbing gently. Let it sit for 15 minutes or so until the vegetables become flavored enough to eat.
  • Fermented foods: Yogurt, miso
  • Dietary fiber: Millet-mixed rice, daikon radish, carrot, burdock, turnip
  • Oligosaccharides: Burdock

Cooking tips:

Yogurt allows you to make the pickles in a relatively short time, while achieving a rich taste using only a little salt.

Supervision: Ms. Chisako Hori, Registered Dietitian, and Chef, Brasserie Le Rire

  • Packed gut-friendly breakfast
  • Banana and yogurt toast