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Single-platter Japanese-style gut-friendly breakfast menu

Single-platter Japanese-style gut-friendly breakfast menu

<Yogurt and brown rice balls>

Ingredients (using 1 go of rice)

Brown rice
1 go
1 tablespoon

Cooking instructions:

①Wash the brown rice quickly and soak it in water (four hours in summer, or eight hours in winter).
② Throw away the water, and put the rice in the rice cooker together with the yogurt, and mix them thoroughly. Then add water to the appropriate level as indicated on the cooker. Let it sit for 10 minutes, and then cook it in the same way as you would usually cook rice.

<Japanese-style rolled omelet>

Ingredients (one serving)

Dashi soup (broth)
2 tablespoons
a pinch
appropriate amount
Grated daikon radish
appropriate amount
Soy sauce
Appropriate amount

Cooking instructions:

① Crack the eggs into a bowl, and stir them using a cutting motion until the desired evenness is achieved.
② Add the dashi soup and salt to ①, and mix thoroughly.
③ Heat up the egg omelet pan, and pour the oil in. Then pour 1/3 of ②into the pan, and roll the egg up. Repeat this process twice. When the omelet is rolled, cut it into appropriate-sized pieces. Serve with a topping of grated daikon radish with soy sauce poured on top.

<Boiled spinach served with yogurt and sesame seeds>

Ingredients (one serving)

A Yogurt
1 tablespoon
Sesame seed paste (white)
1 teaspoon
Ground sesame seed (white)
1 teaspoon
1/2 teaspoon
Soy sauce
1/2 teaspoon

Cooking instructions:

① Boil the spinach in hot water, then transfer it into cold water to cool. Then remove it from the water, wring out the water, and cut it up into 4-cm pieces.
② Put the items in A into the bowl. Also add ①and mix well.

<Clear vegetable soup>

Ingredients (one serving)

1/5 (3-4 cm)
Lotus root
1/6 section
1/15 cho
Mizuna (Japanese mustard greens)
Dashi soup (broth)
1 cup
Soy sauce
a small amount
a pinch

Cooking instructions:

① Cut the carrot and lotus root into quarter slices. Cut the tofu into 1-cm cubes. Cut the mizuna into 3-cm pieces.
②Put the dashi soup into a pot. Then, add the carrot and lotus root and boil until they become tender. Then, add the tofu and mizuna. After it comes to the boil again, add some soy sauce and salt into the pot to adjust the taste to your liking.

Fermented food
Dietary fiber
Brown rice, vegetables


Cooking tips:

By adding a little yogurt to the brown rice before it’s cooked, you can get extra lactic acid bacteria, without significantly altering the normal taste or smell of the rice.

Supervision: Ms. Tokiko Shinjo, Registered Dietitian
