Be myself, be as comfortable as ever. Amino Collagen plus Calcium

  • Amino Collagen plus Calcium
    (Enough for 14 days)
    98 = Enough for 14 days approx.*1
    *1 Based on daily intake of 7


For a more beautiful you Amino Collagen Premium for the ultimate in beauty

  • Amino Collagen Premium
    196 = 28 days approx.*1
    *1 Based on daily intake of 7
  • Amino Collagen Premium
    (Enough for 14 days)
    98 = Enough for 14 days approx.*1
  • *1 Based on daily intake of 7


The No. 1 collagen supplement*1 The answer is here!The No. 1*1 best-selling powdered beauty collagen supplement in Japan

  • Amino Collagen
    196 = 28 days approx.*2
  • *1 Cumulative beauty industry sales by brand Jan. - Dec. 2019 (Intage SDI)
  • *2 Based on daily intake of 7